N.Y. Photo Curator Results

 ‘The Environment & Social Activism’ curated by Morgan Post

(Professor of Photography at Long Island University and Fairfield University. Post teaches workshops at The Penumbra Foundation in NYC and across the Eastern United States.)

Thank you to all participants who entered this specific call for work.  I found this process to be very difficult due to the content.  All of the images, themes, and visual documents are important and weight this global problem.  Our very species depends on it.  Thank you all for supporting my chosen charity and giving sustained exposure to these issues.  How does one choose images thematically when it's a massive planetary issue that affects everything?  It was very difficult.  It is up to us to keep fighting, exhibiting, and making more work to expose the impacts of climate change.  Science and photographs can change the world, and propagate massive change.  We must solve this problem with unity as artists and as species on this planet.  I write this thank you during the same week I am traveling to Fukushima to photograph.  The gravity and importance of what all of us are doing make me pause.  I have hope for a cleaner future but we are running short on time. 
I am deeply honored to have been able to view all of the participant's work.  I would like to thank Laurie Freitag and NY Photo curator for the opportunity."
First Place Image Winner:  Debra Small, Canis Latrans, Coyote
Review by Curator Morgan Post, "This image has resonated with me profoundly.  I remember growing up in the Western U.S. and being told about animals and pests to avoid in and around my home.  Coyotes eating livestock or pets, skunks getting into the garbage, and deer crossing roads were the fault of animals invading us.  These animals were not the pests or invasive species in "my" yard, home, property or town.  We as humans are the invasive species moving into these animals habitats where we profoundly change how they survive and in many cases how they thrive or disappear into oblivion.  We as a population are causing the largest mass extinction on the planet.  
As Americans, we feel it necessary to continue to hold onto this outdated sense of manifest destiny.  Expand until nothing is left, grow and invade the planet in the fastest and most profitable way possible.  This photograph, I feel, clearly communicates how we lack the understanding of the impact on delicate habitats due to modern development.  The only concern is about ourselves and our selfishness.  Comfort comes at a cost, and every action no matter how small has an impact.  Tens of millions of small negative actions create an inevitable slow-moving crisis that many do not see until it's too late.  We have reached the breaking point of this tardiness.  These small impacts can be treated.  Millions of small positive impacts will create large and large impactful  positive results.  We are the stewards of our communities and environment.  
We as artists have a responsibility to bring these deficiencies of understanding to the forefront of the conversation.  I feel this image contributes to this dialogue."   

Second Place winner: Christopher Gauthier 'Untitled12'
Honorable Mentions: 
Michael Zuhorski 'Marquette Iron Tailings, March 13'
Stephanie Paine 'Sunlines II'
Steve Davis- 'Untitled'
Daniel Kariko 'Grand Isle Coastal Erosion'
Laziza Rakhimova 'Dried Aral Sea'
10% of artist entry fees goes to the charity of the curator. 10% of artist entry fees goes to the charity of the curator. Post chose the Native American Rights Fund

Another 10% will go to the first place winner's choice of charity. 
Debra Small has chosen The Center for Biological Diversity, biologicaldiversity.org 
