N.Y. Photo Curator 

‘Beyond the Surface' Results

Curated by Ellen Jantzen
A Note from Ellen Jantzen:
"I want to thank everyone who entered. It was an honor to look at all of your works. There were many wonderful pieces so the selection was difficult but I strived to find the works the best  looked beyond the surface to reveal something deeper and unexpected. My process began with assigning stars (one through three) to the pieces as I went through. I then stopped looking for a few days then went back to review my thoughts and agreed with my first impressions.
Here are my choices!! This was hard, but rewarding. (I also picked a second best series)
First Place- Lynette Miller “Radius of Convergence"
Second place- John Paul Caponigro “GlobalWarning XXXV”
I feel this image also fits the theme of this exhibition as it looks beyond the surface by creating a warning to humanity of the impending climate crisis. This piece, especially, speaks to me of a looming doom yet there is a hopeful beauty that resonates."
Third place- Cas Slagboom  "Scaled Landscape"
Honorable mentions:
Carol_Eisenberg -Undercurrents 05
Dean and Laura Larson -Carry That Weight
Kevin Lyle- There Not There 13488
Lynda Fay Braun -A Beautiful Morning
Dianne Yudelson -Sunday Contemplation
Best series: Lynette Miller’s Geometric pieces
Second Best series: John Paul Caponigro GlobalWarning
Ellen Jantzen says,  “Beyond the Surface"-Strive to make visual that which is not visible. Look beyond the surface to reveal something deeper and unexpected.
I find photography – especially digitally-aided photo-montage – to be a potent medium through which to effectively communicate the ways I perceive and understand the world.
Photographs were once considered to be ‘truthful’, but we now know there has been photographic manipulation since it was invented. Yet, because photographs are ‘believed’, there is a great deal of room to play within the medium’s apparent reality; to create a poetic personal fiction that remains open to interpretation."
10% of artist entry fees goes to the charity of the curator. Jantzen has chosen Our Humanity Matters. 
Our humanity Matters (OHM) is dedicated to inspiring a more enlightened and sustainable humanity that appreciates beauty and joy of life and understands that everything is interconnected. It calls for the consideration and respect for water — the ancestral and timeless hydrological cycle, the water that flows, agitates and swells in seas, rivers and the Ocean, and the hydrophilic environments of our bodies.
Another 10% will go to the first place winner's choice of charity. Lynette Miller has chosen Helpmate Domestic Violence Services
