N.Y. Photo Curator: Global Photography Awards- 'Where Photography & Philanthropy Meet' BEST SERIES: GERARD STUBING: Bio Haiku (Click on image for larger view)
BIO HAIKU I by Gerardo Stubing
(Click on image for larger view)

Gerardo Stübing says, "My work aims to show the beauty, harmony and plasticity of the creations of Nature ("Natura naturata" in the concept of Spinoza) as the basis for artistic creation. 

The objective, beyond the strict artistic creation, is to deepen these concepts and to experience an artistic production based on them, seeking to sensitize the observer in the appreciation and respect for our natural environment, as we protect that of what we fall in love, and to fall in love with something or someone previously we have to know it. 

These works are part of my doctoral thesis work in Fine Arts entitled: “Botanika: el concepto Natura naturata, aplicado a la creación plástica desde una perspectiva transmoderna”, which is currently being developed at the Polytechnic University of Valencia."

Gerardo Stübing (Stübing), born in Valencia (1957). Professor of Botany at the University of Valencia. Graduated in Fine Arts, he is currently studying doctorate in Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Stübing is a Valencian artist of German origin who has a long career and scientific recognition in the field of Botany, a science he has taught as a university professor for 30 years at the University of Valencia. 

His works have been selected in more than 50 competitions, some of them at the highest level such as the BMW prize, having won several awards and prizes, and made several exhibitions both collective (more than 40) and individual (9). It has works in official institutions: University of Valencia, International University of Andalusia, Jiloca Studies Center), Bancaja de Segorbe Foundation, British Institute of Seville and Ministry of Agriculture.

Career Highlights (2018/20)

-00 Bienal de La Habana (May 2018) with the  instalation “Ecosistemas cubanos”. (Cyanotype).
-Selected Artist in the book: Anderson, Christina Z. Cyanotype: The Blueprint in Contemporary Practice. New York: Focal Press, 2019.320 pages.
-Solo Exhibition“320 nm” in Galería Tapinerate (Valencia). 
-Selected X Biennal d’Art Riudebitlles (Barcelona). (Pinhole/Argyrotype).
-Selected artist in The HAND Magazine, Issues #21, #23, #24, #25, #26 
-Selected artist in A Smith Gallery’s (Johnson City,Texas), “black/white” exhibition juried by Jennifer Schlesinger. January 2019.
-Selected artist in A Smith Gallery’s (Johnson City,Texas), “Art+Science” exhibition juried by Linda Alterwitz. January 2019.
-Exhibition ARO group: “El Futuro”. Obra social Caixa Ontinyent. Diciembre 1018-Enero 2019, with the instalation “Mayo 2050”. 
-Selected 10th Annual “Abstracts” 2019 Art Exhibition. Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery. Marzo 2019. 
-Selected artist Art Intersection Light Sensitive 2019 exihibition (Gilbert, Arizona)), juried by Christopher James. Marzo 2019. 
-Selected artist The Art Center, Alternative perspective exhibition (Dover, NH).
 -Honorable mention L.A. Photo Curator´s “Trees”, online juried (Dulce Stein) exhibition. 
 -Selected artist Las Laguna Gallery: captured, a photography Exhibition 2019 (Laguna Beach, CA).  
-Biennal Ciutat Vella Oberta 2019 with the polyptic BotániKa. Valencia.
 -Exhibition Arteenred: Leonardo da Vinci, de l’observació a la pràctica. Alacuas, 2019/20. 
 -Selected artist Then and Now 2, Photographic competition. National Museum Gdansk (Poland) 2020. 
 -Itinerant (2020/21) solo exhibition “Joies botaniques de la Ribera” in collaboration with University of Valencia, Mancomunidad de la Ribera and Consellería d eMedio ambiente de la Comunirtat Valenciana.
N.Y. Photo Curator: Global Photography Awards- 'Where Photography & Philanthropy Meet' BEST SERIES: GERARD STUBING: Bio Haiku
BIO HAIKU II by Gerardo Stubing
(Click on image for larger view)